Sunshine Family Medicine Inc.
- Sunshine Family Medicine Inc. is a family medical practice located in Clewiston, Florida.
- We see patients of all ages and conditions.
- We specialize in diagnosing and treating Diabetes, Hypertension, Elevated Cholesterol, Thyroid abnormalities as well as acute illness and injury.
- We stress the importance of preventative health, immunizations, PAP test and mammograms.
- We perform lab test in our office and send labs to Lab Corp and Quest Labs.
- We perform many procedures in the office such as skin lesion biopsies, freezing of skin lesions and repair of simple lacerations. We also perform pulmonary function testing and cardiac event monitoring.
- We accept most insurances and offer a discount to uninsured patients who pay at the time of service.
Sunshine Family Medicine
115 S. Gloria Street
Clewiston, Florida 33440
PH# 863 983-2282 863 983-2282
FX# 863-983-2864
Business Hours:
- Monday through Friday
- 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm